Number of Scopus and Web of Science publications 2020-2023
(from Scopus database)
Refereed/Pear-reviewed Journals (2020-2023)108
International conferences research articles/participation (2020-2023)83
Local conferences research articles/participation (2020-2023)22
Citations of Selected Faculty6940
In-house conferences: Number of International conferences organized by MCBS and Best articles published by Springer Journal(s) and other reputed journals5
In-house conferences: Local conferences/symposiums/ forums (2020-2023)4
Number of international joint research (2020-2023)68
Number of TRC/external research funds (2020-2023)6
Amount of external research funds (2020-2023) in Omani rail31.500 OMR
Number of newly submitted TRC projects12
Number of internally funded research projects (2020-2023)11
Amount of internally funded research projects (2020-2023)8800 OMR

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