Research Projects

Internal Funds\Institutional research for AY 2021-2022

Role of Business School in Preparing Graduates for future jobs in Oman: A stakeholder analysis to identify program needs.
Identifying Success Factors for Effective Online/Distance Learning Implementation
Effective Implementation Strategies for Academic Advisement at MCBS: Development of a fit for purpose Model
Application of Data Analytics to understand the dynamics of student’s dropout
Assessing the effectiveness and students ‘perceptions of academic advising at MCBS
Building an enhanced culture of Academic integrity in HEIs
Mathematical model to predict at risk students using Hybrid optimized deep Q network

External Fundings/TRC

MCBS has been successful in securing external funding for several research projects. The table below provides an overview of the projects that the college won from TRC last AY 2021-2022:

Gap Analysis of Digital Marketing Skills Among Entrepreneurs in the Sultanate of Oman
Vehi-Trak - A Smart and Secure Blockchain System to Track Vehicle History in Sultanate of Oman
A study on Global Pandemic, Oil Crisis, economic Adjustment, and Corporate Performance in Oman - Corporate Reforms to Non-Oil-Future
An Empirical Investigation of Omani Investor Intent in time of COVID-19 Pandemic