
On behalf of the Modern College of Business and Science Board of Trustees, welcome to the Modern College of Business and Science community.

The MCBS Board of Trustees is responsible for our college’s governance, and as a result, this assembly is integral to governing how the college meets the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.  The board members are distinguished leaders from the academic and industry, as well as civic leaders who are either elected, designated, or appointed.

These are exciting times for the MCBS community as we embark on our third decade.  We feel uniquely positioned to contribute to the progress of academic education located in the heart of our nation’s capital.

The MCBS Board of Trustees is focused on how this great college will play a role on our nation and contribute to the transformation that will shape the years ahead.  From business and to science and technology and from the arts and humanities, our broad and diverse community embraces the possibilities with perseverance in our commitment, competence, and drive.

If you have questions, we invite you to reach out at the Office of the Board of Trustees.  We have a lot to share as MCBS takes its place among the most respected and admired institutions of higher education in the Sultanate and beyond

Muneer Al Maskari, Ph.D.
Modern College of Business and Science