Dr. Vijaya, Dr.Basant Kumar, Dr. Joseph Mani and Mr. Rajeev Rajendran
Under the scenarios of climate change and global warming, the beaches tend to experience clusters of storms, and result in severe erosions. Over the past a few decades, as a method for sandy shore protection against chronic and storm-induced erosion, beach nourishment has become widely used worldwide. The threshold of designed beach width for shore protection need to be addressed. Based on the systematically measured beach profiles on Ortley Beach with considerable longshore variation, the natural beach recovery from consecutive tropical storms followed by sequence of severe winter storm were investigated. Field observations on beach changes induced by storms will enhance our understanding on beach management.
Description of Research:
The northeastern coast of US, facing Atlantic Ocean, experienced impacts from passages of two hurricanes in the fall 2023, including hurricane Lee in mid-September followed by tropical storm Ophelia in late September. A total of 20 beach profiles spaced at 100 meters at Ortley Beach and surrounding beaches in Ocean County, New Jersey, were established. Weekly beach surveys using RTK-GPS from the edge of the dune to mean low water was conducted from September 14 to October 12, 2023. The data captures the severe dune/beach erosion induced by passage of TS Ophelia, with large waves and storm surges. The natural recovery processes of beach post tropical storm were interrupted by the subsequent winter storms starting from mid to late October. The systematic beach survey will be conducted monthly until February 2024, the peak of winter season. Given the context of global climate change, the chance of sequence of storms (tropical or winter storm) have considerably increased. Field observations on beach changes induced by storms will enhance our understanding on beach management.
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