Dr. Siraj.K.K

Areas of Research

  • Corporate Finance
  • Entrepreneurship Education
  • Educational Pedagogies
  • Financial Markets
  • Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

An academician with extensive experience in teaching finance and accounting courses at graduate and post graduate levels, an administrator with expertise in department administration, program design, development and review, a seasoned quality assurance specialist with a proven track record in achieving institutional and program accreditation with national and international accreditation bodies, and an active researcher with an interdisciplinary focus.  


  • Ph.D. Finance, Cochin University of Science and Technology, India
  • MCom Finance, Mahatma Gandhi University, India
  • MBA Finance, Mahatma Gandhi University, India
  • BBA General Management, Mahatma Gandhi University, India

Experience Summary

Teaching Experience:

  • September 2020- Present: Assistant Professor of Finance and Accounting at Modern College of Business and Science, Sultanate of Oman.

  • September 2017 – August 2020: Assistant Professor of Finance and Accounting at the University of Technology & Applied Science, Sultanate of Oman

  • March 2007 – August 2017: Assistant Professor of Finance and Accounting at Ibra College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman

  • October 2013 to August 2017 – Head of Department of Business studies at Ibra College of technology, Sultanate of Oman

  • October 2002 to July 2003: Assistant Professor of Finance and Accounting at MES College, affiliated with M.G. University, Kerala, India.

Industrial Experience:

August 2002 – February 2007: Project Manager (Management Consulting) Global Services, Sultanate of Oman.

  • Preparing feasibility and appraisal studies on corporate projects, submitted to Oman
  • Development Bank, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Sultanate of Oman
  • Project evaluation for clients, for obtaining bank finance,

  • Corporate support – data driven analytical reports.

January 2001- July 2001: Management Consultant, The Council of Small Industries Development Limited, Kochi, Kerala.

  • Preparing feasibility and appraisal studies on corporate projects, submitted to SIDBI and commercial banks in Kochi, Kerala.
  • Project evaluation for clients, for obtaining bank finance
  • Corporate support – data driven analytical reports.

Selected Publications

  1. Books

    1. Kunjumuhammed, S. K., Madi, H., & Abouraia, M. (2024). Risks and challenges of AI-driven finance: Bias, ethics, and security. IGI Publications, (Scopus), doi:10.4018/979-8-3693-2185-0
    2. Kunjumuhammed, S. K., & Ramachandran, N. (2022). Future outlooks on corporate finance and opportunities for robust economic planning. IGI Publications. (Scopus), doi: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5342-1
    3. Magd, H., & Kunjumuhammed, S. K. (2021). Global perspectives on quality assurance and accreditation in higher education institutions. IGI Publications doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-8085-1

    Journal Articles – Selected Publications

    1. Magd, H., & Kunjumuhammed, S. K. (2024). The effect of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial intention of undergraduate students. Global Business and Economics Review, 31(4), pp.455-484. (Scopus, Q4).
    2. Kunjumuhammed, S. K., & Nithya, R. (2024). The role of corporate governance on firm performance: Evidence from Oman banking industry. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research. (Accepted for publication, forthcoming). (Scopus, Q4).
    3. Kunjumuhammed, S.K. (2024). Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Finance: Addressing Bias and Ethical Considerations, In Kunjumuhammed, S.K., Madi, H., & Abouria, M. (Eds), Risks and Challenges of AI-Driven Finance: Bias, Ethics, and Security, pp.1-16, IGI Global. (Scopus)
    4. Kunjumuhammed, S.K. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in Addressing Educational Inequality Dimensions in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): A Critical Review, Kunjumuhammed, S.K., Madi, H., & Abouria, M. (Eds), Risks and Challenges of AI-Driven Finance: Bias, Ethics, and Security, pp.1-16, IGI Global. (Scopus)
    5. Kunjumuhammed, S. K., Tabash, B., & Pandurengan, V. (2023). Hugging the middle on selection of educational philosophy: Empirical evidence from higher education in Sultanate of Oman. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research. Available online. Emerald., https://doi.org/10.1108/AGJSR-12-2022-0313. (Scopus, Q4)
    6. Kunjumuhammed, S. K. (2023). A study on the linkage between business continuity plans and corporate finance during COVID-19. In Kunjumuhammed, S.K., & Ramachandran, N., (Eds), Future outlooks on corporate finance and opportunities for robust economic planning. IGI Global, pp.(1-20), (Scopus).
    7. Latheef, L., & Siraj, K. K. (2023). A critical review of quality management systems in higher education institutions. In Proceedings of the NAAC Sponsored National Seminar on Quality Enhancement & Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions (pp. 38-50). IQAC Al Ameen College. ISBN: 9789358112344.
    8. Al Maskari, A., Al Riyami, T., Al Mugheiri, H., & Kunjumuhammed, S. K. (2022). Higher education leadership and the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership, 29(1), 39-53. (Scopus, Q3).
    9. Magd, H., & Kunjumuhammed, S. (2022). Quality management system for HEIs: An overview. In Magd. H., & Kunjumuhammed, S.K. (Eds), Global perspectives on quality assurance and accreditation in higher education institutions (pp. 1-25). IGI Global.
    10. Kunjumuhammed, S., & Magd, H. (2022). Planning for excellence: Role of vision, mission, and value statements. Magd. H., & Kunjumuhammed, S.K. (Eds), Global perspectives on quality assurance and accreditation in higher education institutions (pp. 1-25). IGI Global.
    11. Al Markari, A., Al-Riyami, T., & Kunjumuhammed, S. K. (2021). Students’ academic and social concerns during COVID‑19 pandemic. Education and Information Technologies, 26(3), 1-21. (Scopus, Q1).
    12. Al Markari, A., Al-Riyami, T., & Kunjumuhammed, S. K. (2021). Challenges faced by students during COVID-19 in higher education institutions in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Information Technology and Language Studies, 5(3), 34-46.
    13. Magd, H., Kunjumuhammed, S.K., & Thirumalaisamy, R. (2021). Entrepreneurial skills in the new normal: A review of literature. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 13(3), 104-112.
    14. Siraj, K. K., Hamdan, B. T., Pandurengan, V., & Al-Subhi, S. (2020). A study on dominant education philosophy in classrooms: The case of Colleges of Technology (CoT) in the Sultanate of Oman. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12), 7881-7893. (Scopus).
    15. Al-Maskari, A., Al-Maskari, M., Al-Qanoobi, M., & Siraj, K. K. (2019). Internal and external obstacles facing medium and large enterprises in Rusayl Industrial Estates in the Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship, 9(1), 1-20. (Springer, Q3).
    16. Siraj, K. K., & Al-Maskari, A. (2019). Student engagement in blended learning instructional design: An analytical study. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, 15(2), 1-19. (Scopus – Emerald).
    17. Siraj, K. K., Nafei, A., & Al-Rajhi, N. (2018). Entrepreneur’s perception of opportunities and challenges – Learning from Sultanate of Oman. Middle East Journal of Management, 5(3), 175-190. (Inderscience).
    18. Siraj, K. K., & Salim, A. (2018). Sustainable development goals in Indian context: A critical review. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Green Economy and Sustainability. Al Ameen College.
    19. Siraj, K. K., & Al Maskari, A. (2018). Issues and challenges in interdisciplinary – Methodological barriers. In Al-Suqri, M.N., Al-Kindi, A.K., & Al-Kindi, S.S., & Saleem, N.E. (Eds) Promoting interdisciplinary knowledge generation and problem solving, pp. 124-137. IGI Global.
    20. Siraj, K. K., & Salim, A. (2015). Sustainable development initiatives in financial service sector – Learning from Indian banking sector. In Sustainability and management strategy. TKM Institute of Management.
    21. Siraj, K. K., & Salim, A. (2014). Managing cross-cultural adjustment of expatriate workforce – Prospects and challenges. In Perspectives on emerging international business orders, Directorate of Public Relations and Publications, Cochin University of Science and Technology.
    22. K.K, & Pillai, P.S. (2013), Efficiency of NPA Management in Indian SCBs – A Bank-Group Wise Exploratory Study, Journal of Applied Finance and Banking, 3(2), pp.123-137.
    23. K.K., Pillai, P.S., & Rajithakumar, S. (2013), The Moderating Role of Bank Performance Indicators on Credit Risk of Indian Public Sector Banks, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(17), pp.219-226.
    24. K.K, & Pillai, P.S. (2013), A Study on The Mediating Effect of GDP on Relationship Between Gross Advances And NPA Of Indian SCBS, , Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(1), pp.55-64.
    25. K.K, & Pillai, P.S. (2012), Comparative Study on Performance of Islamic Banks and Conventional Banks in GCC region, Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, 2(3), pp.123-161
    26. Siraj, K. K., & Pillai, P. S. (2012). Management of NPAs in Indian SCBs: Effectiveness of SARFAESI Act, DRT & Lok Adalat during 2004-2011. International Journal for Business and Management Tomorrow, 2(4).
    27. Siraj, K. K., & Pillai, P. S. (2012). Defining Graduate Attributes as Prerequisite for Incorporating Activity Based Learning in Commerce Education, Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională, 4(1), pp.31-41
    28. Siraj, K. K., & Pillai, P. S. (2012). A study on the performance of non-performing assets (NPAs) of Indian banking during post millennium period. International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow, 2(3), pp. 1-12.
    29. Siraj, K. K., & Pillai, P. S. (2011). Asset quality and profitability of Indian scheduled commercial banks during global financial crisis. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 80, 55-65 (Scopus*)